Multigestión en agroservicios

Legal notes

General information

This website and its contents belong to the Multigestión Company in Agroservicios, S.L. and we inform you that we respect and observe the current legal obligations to which anyone who accesses this website also undertakes, for which we decline any type of responsibility otherwise. If you would like to contact us in reference to this legal notice, the following reference “Legal Note” must be indicated: C/ Llanos, 6 – Entlo. D | 30002 Murcia. Spain

You can also contact us at the following email address:

This domain is owned by Multigestion en Agroservicios, s.l. and we inform you that any other similar or similar that exists or may exist has no relationship with us, so we do not assume any responsibility for the connection to any web address that is not our property.

Intellectual property

Multigestión en Agroservicios, S.L. reserves all intellectual and industrial property rights over the contents of the website and exploitation, modification, reproduction, dissemination, transformation, distribution, transmission by any means, subsequent publication, exhibition, public communication or total or partial representation without our prior, express and written authorization.

Possibility of Modification

Multigestión en Agroservicios, S.L. reserves the right to modify this Legal Notice at any time and without prior notice.